Party Of Allah (POA)
I would like to begin by asking a question: How many paths can you follow in this life? The answer is two – we have two paths we can follow. What are those paths? We may say good and bad, right and wrong, truth and falsehood or the Path of Allah and the path of shaitan (satan). These are all correct answers, although for the sake of this post, we will take the last statement (Path of Allah and path of shaitan).
If we are not on Allah SWT’s path then what path are we on? Obvious, right? We would be on the path of shaitan, as there aren’t any other choices. Simply, think of it this way, if we have the choice between drinking water or drinking milk, and we don’t drink the milk, then we obviously choose to drink the water. It’s really quite straightforward.
The question that arises however is what are the requirements of being on the path of Allah and how do we know we are on it? Whatever path we choose to follow, is who’s path we are on and whose party or group we are members of. So this is where we ask ourselves, are we from the party of Allah or the party of shaitan? Previously, we learned about how Allah can be in our intellects. But what if Allah is not in our intellect? Then who is?
We will discuss ayat that tell us who the Party of Allah are and how we can become part of this group. In the Quran Allah refers to his people as believers or Mumins. The thing about the Party of Allah is that it is very exclusive, it comes with many perks and rewards, and it is a challenge to get in and seems near impossible at times, but good things don’t come easy, right? Now, the party of shaitan is the opposite. It is easy to enter, everyone is invited in, and it’s pretty miserable and nasty once you enter. In the party of shaitan you are promised ‘freedom’ and from the outside it looks really good, but once you get in, you see that it’s actually a cesspool of the lowest kind. It’s really no where anyone wants to be.
So whose party are you interested in? Allah’s? I knew it! Well, read on to see if you have what it takes…
Asalamu’alaikum wa Rehmatulahi wa Barakatahu,
The Party Of Allah (POA) is always open to new applicants. There are a few things that are required to get into the POA. They are quite simple and you are guaranteed complete satisfaction with the outcome. Please keep in mind, students who fail to reach these requirements may be denied admission, but the decision ultimately rests with the Commander and Cheif. So, dress to impress and do your homework!
REQUIREMENTS FOR THE POA (references included):
#1: Simply, you need to take Allah and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as allies and follow what they say through the Quran and Sunnah.
“And whoever is an ally of Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed – indeed, the party of Allah – they will be the predominant.” (The Noble Quran 5:56)
#2: A true POA student does not have affection or empathy for somebody who speak against Allah and His Messenger (SAW), even if it is a family member or friend.
“You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those – He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him – those are the party of Allah. Unquestionably, the party of Allah – they are the successful.” (The Noble Quran 58:22)
#3: All POA students will be questioned about all that they learn and how they act on that knowledge.
“Then We will surely question those to whom [a message] was sent, and We will surely question the messengers. Then We will surely relate [their deeds] to them with knowledge, and We were not [at all] absent.” (The Noble Quran 7:6-7)
#4: Realize and submit to the fact that there are no defects in the Handbook (Quran) that students study from.
“[All] praise is [due] to Allah, who has sent down upon His Servant the Book and has not made therein any deviance.” (The Noble Quran 18:1)
#5: Students must always be prepared to be tested in different ways throughout their time with the POA.
“Indeed, We have made that which is on the earth adornment for it that We may test them [as to] which of them is best in deed.” (The Noble Quran 18:7)
#6: All test results will be recorded and every student will be rewarded when they pass.
“Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds.” [The Noble Quran 18:30]
#7: Students must surrender to the POA leader: Allah. If a student does not submit, SHIRK will be stamped on their file and that file will be closed. Unity and partnership is something that the POA adheres to in this Oath.
”Hold tight to the Rope of Allah (His covenant that is our allegiance to “la ilaha ill Allah Muhammad ar-Rasulullah”), all together and be not disunited among yourselves.”
(The Noble Quran 3:103]
#8: Again, POA emphasizes the importance of Unity and it’s results. To become a POA member you must believe in the POA leader Allah and His apostle Muhammad (May peace be upon him). In return the POA offers abundant rewards and favours.
“And whoever is an ally of Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed – indeed, the party of Allah – they will be the predominant.”(The Noble Quran 5: 56)
#9: All POA members are provided with a spacious work area. POA members are responsible for looking after their space and use their resources and time wisely.
“O My servants who have believed, indeed My earth is spacious, so worship only Me.”
(The Noble Quran 29: 56)
#10: There are ranks that a student can achieve through their position with the POA. The POA is looking for energetic people who are willing to do the job whole-heartedly and selflessly.
‘‘Allah has His own people among mankind.’ They said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, who are they?’ He said: ‘The people of the Qur’an, the people of Allah and those who are closest to Him.”
(Sunan ibn Majah)
POA is very proud to say that they are open to new students, young or old at all times. Everyone is a potential candidate and will get a fair and unbiased opportunity to join! For further information, we have provided a link to the POA Handbook (The Noble Quran) below where FAQs can be answered, Insha’Allah.
If the POA student studies diligently and performs to the best of his or her ability with complete sincerity, Allah has set up a retirement plan which is generously tailored just for you. Among many other things, you will receive a free, oneway ticket to Jannah (also known as Heaven) where you will never have to struggle or be tested, all your wishes will be granted, and where you can stay forever.
“Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – they will have the Gardens of Paradise as a lodging, Wherein they abide eternally. They will not desire from it any transfer.” (The Noble Quran 18:107-108)
*Not interested in the POA?
Well, there’s always the POS (party of shaytan). I’ve heard it’s easy to get in, but Hell once you get there. Application process coming soon!