Modesty: A Part of Iman (Brothers)
This is a presentation I made for my Sunday School class with Imam Refaat Mohamed at Al-Abrar Muslim Association.
Hijab for Men? The majority of the time we speak of Hijab, we seem to focus on the Sisters, but the Hijab is also mandatory for Men. Modesty is a part of our faith. If men and women work towards this greater good, hand in hand, then we will have a strong support system and will all benefit, Insha’Allah.
“Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.” (The Noble Quran 24:30)
Modesty Lecture for Men – By my Teacher at Al-Abrar Muslim Association – Imam Refaat Mohamed
We apologize for the shaky recording…the kids were helping out, Alhamdulillah.