If I Lived in the Time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Do you think it is possible to miss somebody that you’ve never met? Do you think it is possible to love somebody that you have never seen? Do you think that it is possible to follow somebody even if they’re not in front of you? I do. When you know him, it is impossible not to love and follow the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
I have always wondered what it would be like to live in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). What it would be like to sit with him and the Sahabah (RA) to talk about the Qur’an and its True Message as it was being divinely decreed. How it would feel to experience his blessed presence, salvation, loss, grief, sadness, war, boycott, migration, happiness, and victory alongside the Prophet (SAW). Sometimes, I even wonder how it would be if I was born in that time.
If I were born in that time, I would want to listen and hear about all the things the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would have to say. When you hear about his words, it is impossible not to listen. When you know of his perfect character, it is impossible not to follow him. I’m talking about a man that wouldn’t even hurt a fly. A man that would listen to what you had to say and a man that would give the most beautiful advice. I wonder what it would be like to hear the Revelation of Allah straight from the Prophet (SAW). I believe I would be excited, scared, and curious to know what would be revealed next. At one moment commanded war, another warned of a painful punishment, and yet another given glad tidings of Jannah. How amazing it would be!
I wonder how it would feel if someone was telling me the future to come? How would it be to have answers given to me straight from the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) about my confusion or verses miraculously revealed about things that were happening in my life through Angel Jibreel (AS). I would always keep my ears open to hear what the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would say.
I imagine walking down the roads of Medina and knowing all of my Muslim brothers and sisters, the Sahabah (RA) by their names! How it would be to discuss the Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet (SAW) with them. It would be beautiful to always have a close-knit community to turn to where everyone was included and treated equally. I wouldn’t have to worry about not having good company or a safe place to pray and play. I wouldn’t have to worry about the dangers of school and what they taught me. I wouldn’t be called strange or by ugly names for wearing my Hijab or practicing my Islam. Life would be simple and everybody would have one goal, to please Allah SWT in all we do. There would be no problem in siting the moon in Ramadan, eating halal, how to pray, or the direction of the Qiblah. I would love to have a community and place that adhered to the Laws of Allah (SWT). I could live freely under true Islamic Rule and not worry about going astray or being attracted by an environment full of fitnah and evil.
I think of how I would grow and learn around great Sahabah and Sahabiyat (RA). I can’t even imagine how it would be to know women like Khadijah, Aishah, Fatimah, Umm Ayman, and Nusaybah, may Allah SWT be pleased with them all. I imagine looking up to them, being able to see them, speak with them, and knowing them as mentors and my Sisters in Islam. I wonder what it would be like to experience the change that Islam inspires with them. How it would feel to be boycotted in Makkah and watch women like Khadijah (RA) sacrifice and show such selflessness. Would I be able to do the same? Whenever I read the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), I also wonder how it would be when the women were left with their children in Medina as the men left for war. What would it feel like to know that this may be the last time they would see their fathers, sons, brothers, and husbands? I would have such strong women to go to for advice, solace, and a companionship I can truly trust. I could discover so many things about the women of that time and through them about how to be a righteous and good woman that Allah will always be pleased with and reward in the Hereafter.
If I lived in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), there would be so much to see and learn. I could see the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) face to face and be in his blessed and ideal company. I would have a community that I could go to and be safe and secure. A community that would have Allah in their intellect, with the same goals and hopes. I would have amazing women to look up to and be able to experience Islam when it was pure and undiluted. I would love to be able to live in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), but that is just a dream. In reality, I have made a commitment to seriously study Islam, follow the Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) example in all I do, so that Allah may unite me with him (SAW) and his Companions (RA) in the Hereafter, Ameen.